Here are the courses that I’ve taken (or am currently taking) at Rice. Courses in progress are in bold.
Computer Science Courses
- COMP 310, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (Spring 2022)
- COMP 321, Introduction to Computer Systems (Spring 2022)
- COMP 322, Fundamentals of Parallel Programming (Spring 2022)
- COMP 301, Ethics and Accountability in Computer Science (Spring 2022)
- COMP 215, Introduction to Program Design (Fall 2021)
- COMP 382, Reasoning About Algorithms (Fall 2021)
- COMP 182, Algorithmic Thinking (Spring 2021)
- MATH 355, Linear Algebra (Fall 2020)
- STAT 315, Statistics For Data Science (Spring 2020)
- ELEC 220, Fundamentals of Computer Engineering (Spring 2020)
- MATH 211, Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Fall 2019)
- COMP 140, Computational Thinking (Fall 2019)
Cognitive Sciences Courses
- PSYC 409, Methods in Human-Computer Interaction (Fall 2021)
- PHIL 130, Sciences of the Mind (Fall 2021)
- PSYC 308, Memory (Summer 2021)
- NEUR 362, Cognitive Neuroscience (Spring 2021)
- LING 400, Linguistic Analysis II (Spring 2021)
- PSYC 203, Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (Fall 2020)
- LING 300, Linguistic Analysis I (Fall 2020)
- LING 301, Phonetics (Spring 2020)
- LING 200, Introduction to the Scientific Study of Language (Fall 2019)
Other Courses
- COLL 112, Defining the Anime Cult Classic (Fall 2021)
- HUMA 126, What is the Meaning of Death (Spring 2021)
- ARTS 230, Comics and Sequential Art (Spring 2021)
- MATH 238, Ethics in Mathematics (Spring 2021)
- PHIL 210, Logic (Fall 2020)
- LING 336, Introduction to Indo-European (Fall 2020)
- ENGI 120 / FWIS 188, Introduction to Engineering Design (Spring 2020)
- ENGL 211, British Literature From Romanticism to the Present (Fall 2019)
Advanced Placement Equivalent Courses
- ECON 113 (Credit for AP Macroeconomics)
- ENGL 121 (Credit for AP English Language and Composition)
- ENGL 122 (Credit for AP English Literature and Composition)
- HIST 105 (Credit for AP United States History)
- HIST 107 (Credit for AP World History)
- MATH 105 & 106 (Credit for AP Calculus BC)
- PHYS 141 (Credit for AP Physics I)
- POLI 110 (Credit for AP United States Government and Politics)
- SPAN 222 (Credit for AP Spanish Language and Culture)